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About Us

We do not just sell you a product. We train, offer options, curriculums, support, and a lot more! We become your personal coach and ensure your students use the full potential of the program.

Welcome to TechNType K12

We are firm believers in the benefits of digital resources, and are committed to helping teachers and students.

Why us?

We stress engagement because, as we all know, a little fun goes a long way, not only for students but for teachers too!

Learning includes


Digital Citizenship



Our Products & Services

Checkout our wide range of keyboarding programs and other educational resources for K-12 environments. All of our programs meet National Educational Technology Standards. Feel free to get in touch with us!

Each of our programs is reviewed to bring the best in digital education to your classroom community! Adding 5-Star program brings countless advantages to you and your students.

Find out the latest from our programs as well as tips and tricks you can use in the classroom, cool reporting features, printables, and more!

Learn how to teach keyboarding. From setting goals and objectives to keeping students engaged and more.

Our resources tab contains teacher guides, printable worksheets and posters, and more.

How important is keyboarding instruction? At what age should it begin? What are some of the common misconceptions about keyboarding today?


Thank you so much for making the changes and for sending such good links and keeping me on there. As usual your customer service is five star! Take care and stay safe. We appreciate you!

Juli Clardy

Lee-Scott Academy

Upcoming Events

We are glad to be back on the road and meeting teachers, educators and all the people who make great education possible!

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