Literature Review

About this course
How important is keyboarding instruction? At what age should it begin? What are some of the common misconceptions about keyboarding today? What are some of the challenges?

English Language Arts Standards’ Writing: Grade 3
English Language Arts Standards’ Writing: Grade 4
English Language Arts Standards’ Writing: Grade 5
English Language Arts Standards’ Writing: Grade 6

Keyboarding, once taught in high school, is now part of the curriculum for elementary kids -By Erin Duffy, the World-Herald staff writer.

Teaching Keyboarding: More Than Just Typing
-By Linda Starr
-By Linda Starr
Keyboarding Skills: When Should They Be Taught?
-By Gary Hopkins
-By Gary Hopkins

Out of Touch with Typing
-By Anne Trubek
-By Anne Trubek

How Should Keyboarding Be Taught in Elementary School?
-By Matt Renwick
-By Matt Renwick

An annotated bibliography of qualitative and quantitative research, including anecdotal evidence for teaching keyboarding to K-12 students
Relationships between handwriting and keyboarding performance of sixth-grade students
Keyboarding for students with handwriting problems
The effect of computers on student writing: A meta-analysis of studies from 1992 to 2002
Relationships between handwriting and keyboarding performance of sixth-grade students
Learning to keyboard: Does the use of keyboard covers make a difference?
In early education, why teach handwriting before keyboarding?
A comparison of keyboarded and handwritten compositions and the relationship with transcription speed
Keyboarding instruction in early grades: Must or Mistake?